Marvin Goldstein
Marvin Goldstein’s background was basically music he enjoyed it
and loved it so deeply. Marvin received a scholarship for music, then he went
Tel Aviv University the school of Music. He completed his bachelor and Master
of Music Degree at Florida State University. He served as a member of high
council in a bishopric. Marvin achieved his excellency because of training
since he was small. He released a CD with an award winning Grammy. He has
released 15 piano books.
Reflection; This relate to me because I think
if he can do it so can I, he started since he was little having goals and
ambition and trying to succeed into these goals and he did. If we don’t have
the money we can win scholarships like he did and become successful like him,
he is an idol to look up to. The message he is trying to shape out there is the
trying will get you to succeed because based on his music it has impacted the
world and society around us.

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